Day of Giving Showcase celebrates Washburn’s 154th birthday
January 27, 2019
Day of Giving Showcase celebrates Washburn’s 154th birthday.
The annual Day of Giving Showcase will be from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 6 in the Bradbury Thompson Alumni Center at Washburn University, hosted by Washburn Alumni Association and Foundation.
Founded Feb. 6, 1865, Washburn has a rich history centered on the idea of providing an education to those who sought to improve themselves and the world around them, a vision which continues today.
Everyone is welcome to join Day of Giving and celebrate 154 years of Washburn. It’s an opportunity to hear from and visit with faculty, staff and students, sponsoring projects during Day of Giving.
“What a great idea this is for a day of giving and a day of care if we can all think of something that we should be grateful for and that we should care about,” said Washburn President Jerry Farley.
Cupcakes, nachos and popcorn will be for sale for a donation, and a cash bar will be available as well. Those who attend can enjoy performances by Washburn Theatre, and it will feature projects showcased on the Day of Giving site as well as displays and activities to show others what they are raising money for.
A Day of Giving is an “all in” initiative that asks alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students to give to a department, organization or courses they care about at Washburn University. Departments and organizations have submitted proposals to be considered for the Day of Giving.
Becca Nyman, student alumna and a founding member of Ichabods, which is a student emergency fund organization under the Alumni Association. She talks in the video for Day of Giving posted by the Alumni Association.
“We talked about Day of Giving and how Washburn has really made us into people, how to deal with scholarships and different initiatives done by the Alumni Association,” said Nyman. “We are able to obtain our degrees and really push for different trips and activities that we are in.”
According to the Day of Giving website,, a countdown timer shows how much time is left.
At the bottom of the page, people can see a list of “Projects and Areas to Give” that they would like to assist, and gifts of all sizes add up to make it a big day for Washburn University.
“We can give back to our institution and make certain that we can provide students with the kind of quality of education that they deserve,” said Farley.
The gifts from people can support scholarships that make education a reality, discoveries outside of the classroom, the skills to serve the communities, a shot at another championship banner, a chance for Ichabods to perform at their best and more.
To celebrate Washburn’s 154th birthday, everyone can share their favorite Washburn memory using the hashtag #AllforWU on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, and let people know how much everyone loves Washburn.