Homecoming Queen Candidates Selected
October 24, 1961
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on Tuesday, October 24, 1961.
Seven of Washburn’s loveliest young ladies vie for the honor of reigning as Homecoming Queen for 1961.
The Queen will be crowned during the half-time at the gridiron contest between Pittsburg State and the Ichabods, Saturday afternoon.
Representing the Independent Students Association will be lovely petite brunette ALICE ADELL, a freshman graduate of Topeka High who is majoring in elementary education.
MARTHA BLAISDELL, radiant blond of Delta Gamma, is a sophomore from Topeka High. She is a Student Council Representative of her class, cheerleader, and active member of Modern Dance Club, Dolphins, Voice, and Washburn Players.
Candidate from Kappa Alpha Theta is SHARON GIBSON, perky sophomore from Kansas City, Missouri. She is a member of Young Republicans, Voice, and WRA. Last year she was Homecoming Queen Candidate representing Benton Hall.
JOYCE HOLLAND of Alpha Kappa Alpha is a charming, poised graduate of Topeka High. She plays violin in the Topeka Civic Symphony and belongs to Sigma Alpha Iota.
A pixie-like brunette, MARY LYNN MEYERS, represents Alpha Phis. She is Secretary of Student Council, and active in Voice, Young Republicans, and WRA.
Zeta Tau Alpha’s candidate is attractive, dark-hairs CAROL STOVER, sophomore business major from Topeka High who belongs to Phi Sigma Chi, Home Ec. Club, and Young Democrats.
LOU ANNE TAYLOR, a striking blond junior majoring in medical technology, is the candidate from Benton Hall. She attended WU as a freshman, Baker University as a sophomore. She graduated from Topeka High, but her home is now in Wall, South Dakota.