Give a little bit, gain a lot

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Josh Rouse

With a mixture of glee and misery, I am proud to announce that this is the last Argo of the school year.

It’s a bitter sweet moment for me, because I know this is the last time I’ll be doing an Argo with many of the people in this office. First and foremost, to the writers, editors and everybody involved in the production of this fine publication, I want to thank you all for a wonderful year and wish you all luck with your future endeavors.

This Argo is a bit different than some of the past inserts. This particular issue is a chance for us to promote ourselves, for a change. The Argo is proudly presenting the Jayhawk Theatre Revival, a benefit concert supporting the historic Jayhawk Theatre. The concert will take place at 7 p.m. on May 2 at the Celtic Fox (118 S.W. Eighth Ave.), and the cost is a $5 donation at the door. The proceeds will go toward renovating the theatre. There will also be tours of the Jayhawk Theatre, located just around the corner at 720 Jackson St., which begin at 6 p.m.

If you want to know why you should go, why you should support the theatre or why you should care, please read on. This Argo is chock full of articles about the theatre, the people behind the scenes, the bands and the venue. There are also several videos on our Web site ( that can further explain why this concert and this cause should or should not affect you.

I can’t make up your mind for you. However, I can tell you why it affects me. This is a cause that is near and dear to my heart because I believe in conserving the history and arts of this city. I believe in supporting local music and local businesses, and I believe in taking things into my own hands when people don’t care enough to do something. Sure, it’s only $5-but it’s a start.

While I think this is a great event, I can’t personally take any responsibility for it. This entire operation was put together by Andrew Dunlap, our advertising manager and promotions director, and the fine local businesses who were willing to assist.