Washburn food options spark debate on nutritional value

  • Dlany Conny enjoys a cheesestick purchased from the Union Market. Nutrional information is not yet available

  • Cory Chockley enjoys a sandwich from the Union Market. The sandwiches are one of the healthier alternatives provided according to Chartwells

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Timothy Lake

Chartwells has plans on providing easily available nutritional information for students, however such efforts have not yet come to fruition.

Pat Schneider, registered nurse at the health clinic, explains that the better someone eats and exercises, the stronger a person’s immune system will be, which can reduce the risk of getting sick, but does not completely abolish it.

There are plans to have a break down of all the nutritional information at each food station in the union market according to Matt Beadleston, director of dining services.

“They have such a wide variety for all types of people,” said Grace Roberts, freshman. “They have some really healthy options, though not everybody eats them, but they’re there.”

While Chartwells provides nutritional information to students, the main issue is how expensive the food is, though they work to support local growers.

“We collaborate with local producers to provide fresh food options whenever possible including organic products,” said Beadleston.

“We offer a wide range of foods in order to meet a very diverse population of students and faculty/staff.”

When stuff starts shutting down the salad bar, and other stations, the amount of healthy choices decreases as well, leaving only greasy hamburgers, or pizza according to some students.

“They do their best, but the grills use a different type of oil, that’s too greasy sometimes,” said Jennifer Brayton, senior.

According to Beadleston, a majority of the food that is served at the cafeteria have ingredients that come from national brands like Tyson, Hormel, Roberts Dairy, and Loffredo Produce.

Beadleston said some of the efforts Chartwells take to provide good nutrition and wellness for students include chicken free of antibiotics, cage free eggs, and zero trans fat oils, said Beadleston.

Chartwells also makes an effort to be environmentally friendly with disposable packaging made from renewable materials.

In addition, Chartwells  offers vegetarian food as another healthy alternative

“It all depends on what you pick,” said Emily Farot, freshman, in reference to the nutrition at the cafeteria.

If students have comments or questions for Chartwells they can do so by going to the, “be heard” tab on dineoncampus.com/washburn.