Senate agrees to repeal ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy

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Washburn Review


A 17-year policy enacted by the Clinton administration has officially turned a new chapter.

On Saturday, the United States Senate repealed “don’t ask, don’t tell,” a 1993 policy by the Bill Clinton administration designed so that individual’s sexual orientations stayed private in the line of active military duty. As a result of the law, 13,500 service members had been dismissed because their homosexual orientation had been disclosed.

The vote by the Senate was 65-31 to pass the bill. Eight Republicans sided with 55 Democrats and two independents in favor of repeal. It passed in the House of Representatives 250-175 earlier this week.

While the repeal cannot take effect for 60 days, it is proposed to be a final chapter in discrimination in military service by supporters. President Barack Obama will sign the bill next week.

More information is expected to come as the situation continues to develop.