Art department plans trip to Malta
September 26, 2012
Washburn students will have the opportunity to travel to Malta in the spring of 2013, and it is open to anyone who would like to go. The trip will have two tour guides, Mary Dorsey Wanless, assistant art professor in photography, and Kelly Watt, assistant art professor in art history.
There is a class that is available next semester called Documenting Art and History Abroad (AR399 XA), taught by Wanless. The Malta trip will be taken toward the end of the course. It will have three undergraduate credit hours earned in either studio art (travel photography) or art history. One perk about this course is that Jim Richardson from National Geographic will come visit the class to talk more about Malta. Grades for this course won’t be posted until after the trip.
Malta is located between Italy and Greece, four hours away from the tip of Sicily. Malta was British owned until it became a republic in 1974. Malta is one of three islands that are in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. The other two islands are Gozo and Comino. Malta has both Islamic and Egyptian history, and their airport was once controlled by Napoleon during World War I and II. People in Malta speak English, Maltese and Italian, and use Euro currency.
“Malta has a very rich history and is fun to unpick,” said Watt.
The Malta trip will take place from May 14 until May 24, 2013. Deposit for the Malta trip is to be determined. The estimated cost for the trip will be approximately $2,800. Price will include: airfare to and from Kansas City International Airport to Malta International Airport, transfers from the airport and hotel, eight-night stay in Malta, one–night stay in Frankfurt, Germany on return trip, bus tours and tour guides, breakfast at hotel, four lunches and two dinners. It is recommended to take at least $500 for additional expenses. Bus fare is only $1.50 per trip in Malta. Travelers will be staying in Valetta, the capitol of Malta at the Osbourne Hotel. They will be exploring many historical sites during their stay, as well as exploring Gozo and Comino.
“Culture is all around you,” said Wanless.
There are three opportunities for scholarships and financial aid for the Malta trip that are available to students. One is the Washburn Transformational Experience, and is only available once during a student’s college career. The International Programs Fund can provide up to $300-$500. The art department also has funding available, and is equally distributed to those who want to travel. For those who are choosing the WTE scholarship, deadline is March 1, 2013.
Travel can also be paid through their WU account. Last year’s trip was to Greece, and had 26 art and kinesiology students.
“The more students we can get to go on this trip, the better,” said Glenda Taylor, art department chair.
This will be the first time that Washburn will be going to Malta.