WU’s largest workout

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The YMCA of Topeka invited Shawnee County residents of all ages and abilities to come work out with them at Yager Stadium. The event, titled Shawnee County Largest Workout, drew hundreds of Topekans to the football field for a workout led by YMCA employees, volunteers, and Washburn students and athletes.

“It’s just a big community workout, a chance for people to come together and learn about resources in the community, and have a fun atmosphere to workout with 500 of their closest friends,” said Misty Kruger, public information officer for the Shawnee County Health Agency.

While the rain may have kept attendance down from the 800 participants last year, the fourth version of this annual event still got quite a turnout. While most of the focus was on the workout in the middle of the field, organizations also had booths set up around the track trying to raise awareness for multiple causes.

“I’m here passing out healthy recipes for our Kids a Cookin website, said Lisa Martin County, extension agent for K-state Research and Extension. “We use these every day for educating families about healthy eating. I think the event inspires community again, that we can be an active healthy community.”

Topeka was recently ranked as the 8th fattest city in the country. While that statistic seems surprising, events like this aim to help the people of Topeka live a healthier life.

“We just thought it would be neat to see all the people. We do go to the Y and work out and do things but it’s kind of fun as a group,” said Topekan Kim Mills. “It’s cool that they’re getting everybody out here and try to help fight obesity and get people exercising and stretch out. “

The health fair opened 30 minutes before the workout started at 6:30 and stayed open 30 minutes after. All age groups were well represented as hundreds of kids hula hooped and tackled football dummies while most of the adults, young and old, worked out together. If this coming New Year’s resolution is to work out more make sure you come check out this event next year.