Art inspires senior art student to keep memories alive

‘Sunflower’ by Linnzi Fusco can be seen at the Washburn University Art building this week.

The way a memory can be kept alive is different for everybody. For senior art major Linnzi Fusco they are collections left behind from previous owners. 

Fusco’s senior art show “Personal Collection” features artwork inspired by memories she once shared with her grandparents. 

“My grandma influenced me a lot with art. She was a painter, quilter and artist and I took after her in that artistic sense,” said Fusco. “I used to spend a lot of time doing craft things with my grandma but I didn’t really incorporate that into art until later.” 

Fusco started drawing at a young age and has always had a love for art. She started painting in high school but didn’t experience a mixed medium until college. 

“She started drawing at a young age,” said Sharon Fusco, Linnzi’s mother. “As she tried different types of art mediums she became more enthusiastic and comfortable with her art. She’s always been artistically creative but I don’t think she ever thought she would make it into a career.”    

“Washburn got me more interested in mixed media art,” said Fusco. “Some of my professors really inspired me and opened me up. I hadn’t realized that I could use a wider variety of objects for art, instead of your traditional art like painting, until Washburn. Now a lot of my art isn’t one specific thing it’s a combination of fibers, photography and found objects.” 

One of Fusco’s pieces is a memory quilt dedicated to her grandfather who passed away from Alzheimer’s. The piece is filled with things that her grandfather once owned including fishhooks, his pocketbooks, tic tacs and several different items.   

“Memories are about what we keep and what we choose to throw away,” said Fusco. “I want people to think about the treasures that make us who we are. If we were to pass away the things we collect is all people will have to remember us by. Those things are what really tells alot about a person.” 

Fusco’s senior art show will be displayed Jan. 20 through Jan. 31 in the Washburn Art Building. Her artist reception will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Jan. 24 in the art building.

“As people we’re only a moment of time,” said Fusco. “This is just a moment. The things we collect and the memories that come with them are what will stay behind.”

For more information contact Fusco at