Local band awaits first professionally recorded EP album


For Mark Feuerborn, Discovery Academy was more than just a boarding school. It was a place where he was able to take his music talent to another more serious level.

Feuerborn started playing basic instruments such as the harmonica and trumpet in elementary school. During his middle school days he added drums to the mix. Though he admits he’s not much of a drummer now, Feuerborn says it helped him learn how to keep tempo and rhythm.

By his sophomore year of high school him and a couple of his friends got together and played around with guitars and drums in Feuerborn’s basement and formed a band calling themselves, Feuer.

Shortly after, Feuerborn wanted to get more serious with his music. His friends’ music interests and lack of motivation led to their separation. They left the group leaving Feuerborn to make music on his own. He changed the name of the band and started composing music through a synthesizer.

Feuerborn eventually met Ethan Biron and through mutual friends they started hanging out more. After learning Biron wanted to do more with his drumming talents they got together and practiced a couple times.

But before they could really get into anything serious, Feuerborn was sent to a boarding school in Utah putting things on hold.

While at boarding school, Feuerborn started getting more into being a multi-instrumentalist.

“I picked up a guitar with four strings on it, two of them had snapped off, that was left behind by a previous student,” said Feuerborn. “I started playing around with it and hadn’t really played with a guitar before that. There wasn’t anything to play your own music on because you weren’t allowed to bring any of that stuff. If you wanted to hear anything you liked you had to play it yourself.”

That’s what Feuerborn did. He learned how to play a bunch of Soundgarden songs and met a bunch of other musicians who had brought their own guitars. As Feuerborn kept practicing he started playing a bunch of different types of music and started composing music again.

“I think it’s thanks to the people that I met there [Discovery Academy] that I was able to get serious with my work,” said Feuerborn. “I graduated from that boarding school and was able to come back to Kansas. The school was in Utah so I met a lot of different people from all over the country who helped me get serious with my music.”

Though Feuerborn never saw most of the people he practiced with at Discovery Academy again because they lived in other states, one happened to also be from Kansas. Kollin Cederberg was one of the people Feuerborn practiced with and kept practicing with upon returning back home.

“I would roadtrip down to Wichita to practice with Kollin,” said Feuerborn. “I would be on guitar and he would be on bass. Then I finally met up with Ethan again and so the three of us became the band.”

Buyer Beware managed to record nine songs independently before being picked up by a studio.

“We actually managed to put out an EP called ‘Reason to Fall’ and that was a home recording,” said Feuerborn. “That was a really big step for us.”

The band is currently recording their first professionally recorded EP album at Cypher Sound Studios in Kansas City.

“I never really dreamed of being a big time band when I was younger,” said Feuerborn. “I never really thought I was going to be one of those people that was on stage. I always thought that I would be the behind-the-scenes person. As I worked with my friends I felt more like I wanted to take it more seriously. As soon as I started playing stuff I knew it was what I wanted to do. I didn’t want to sit in an orchestra and be one out of hundreds, I wanted to be one of four.”

Look for Buyer Beware’s EP album “Hello Again,” which will be releasing later this December. To see more about the band or listen to their work go to www.buyerbewareband.wix.com/buyerbeware.