Plea for participation: Washburn executive staff release a campus climate survey to gauge students, faculty and staff's thoughts on diversity, inclusion and civic discourse. Eric Grospitch, vice president of student life, hopes the survey will highlight areas that need improvement.
Washburn’s executive staff is urging students, faculty, and staff to participate in a campus climate survey that was recently sent out campus wide. The survey asks questions about personal experience on campus.
Vice President of Academic Affairs, JuliAnn Mazachek, sent an email Jan. 31 stressing the importance of student participation prior to the release of the survey.
The email states “like any healthy organization, we know how important it is to reach out and ask our community how things are going. In this spirit, we are conducting a university-wide campus climate survey and are asking every student, faculty, and staff member to give us their input and perspective.”
The survey was sent out Monday, Feb. 3 via email. Pictured below is a screenshot.
The survey link brings users to a Data Use Statement. Responses are protected under the Skyfactor Privacy Policy, according to the consent form.
“The survey is completely anonymous, and the results will not be tied to any one individual,” said Mazachek in her email Jan. 31.
Additionally, students who participate in the survey are entered into a randomized drawing for numerous prizes including:
An XBOX OneThree total Apple iPad Mini’sTen total $100 Bodbucks gift cards Ten total $50 Bodbucks gift cards
Need any more reasons to participate?
Christopher Miofsky, assistant director of student involvement and development, encouraged the Washburn community Tuesday afternoon stating that “Through this survey, you are able to make your voice heard to create change on campus.”
Vice President of Student Life, Eric Grospitch, provided additional context for how the university will utilize the survey data moving forward.
“The information will guide program and policy development as we continue to work toward a campus environment where campus community members support civil discourse and each other,” said Grospitch.
According to executive staff, this is Washburn’s first climate survey since 2013.
“These should generally be done every 3-4 years, and it was important to us to get back on an appropriate cycle,” said Grospitch.
Students, faculty and staff have until Feb. 24 to complete the survey.
If you have any questions regarding the campus climate survey, you can reach out to those listed below.
Associate Vice President of Student Life Joel Bluml at (785) 670-2100 or joel.bluml@washburn.edu and/or Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs Jennifer Ball at (785) 670-1840 or jennifer.ball@washburn.edu
Edited by Adam White, Hannah Alleyne, Jada Johnson