Schools not far from being bed & breakfasts

Public schools in the United States are no longer simply a place for learning. In fact, in quite a few cases, learning and knowledge is the secondary reason children go to school.

Many schools offer breakfast for students, in addition to lunch. But now some are offering dinner as well.

This raises so many red flags, but at the same time, conflict regarding how to feel about the situation.

The first thing that comes to mind is: why? Why are children needing to stay at school to have dinner? And if that is the case, with all three meals offered at school, why are these children needing to go to school if they want to receive even one single meal a day, five days a week?

It is not incredibly farfetched to think that soon children will be spending the night at school, and the everyday public grade or middle school will be a de facto boarding school, from which the students only return home on the weekends, if that.

There is no other way to put it other than to say that the United States is quickly becoming (or perhaps already is) a welfare state.

The question in this is, who is to blame?

Well the need arises from parents not being able to feed their children. Of course there will be cases of this – people have misfortunes in life. Loss of job, unexpected crises, et cetera.

But when 51 percent of public school students come from homes that can’t feed them, that’s not all just “misfortune.” That is people incapable of providing for their children, but having them anyway and passing the responsibility on to others to take care of them. And that is the mentality of our welfare state. “I want something, so I’m going to take (or have) it and let others pay the cost.”

And it works, because we have a government that caters to that lifestyle. Because anyone should be able to have anything they want, even if it means others paying or providing for it, because if everybody doesn’t get whatever they want, well, that’s just discrimination.


– The Executive Staff