Advance Registration for Fall 2015

Advance Registration for Fall 2015 for currently enrolled students will be April 6 through April 15, 2015 (excluding weekends). 

Please check MyWashburn for holds preventing enrollment. On MyWashburn, select the Student Academics tab and under Academic Profile select “Holds”. For contact information to resolve holds, choose the link “Explanation of Holds”. Please be aware that a TA hold will not prevent you from registering. 
Starting April 6 registration is as follows:
Seniors: April 6 and 7
Juniors: April 8 and 9
Sophomores: April 10 and 13
Freshmen: April 14 and 15
Graduate students: All dates listed above
A student’s classification is based on the number of credit hours the student has completed at Washburn University, including any courses in progress at Washburn, and any transfer credit hours that have been posted. 
Non-degree seeking students will be classified according to their completed and in-progress credit hours.
Freshman            0 to 23 credit hours
Sophomore        24 to 53 credit hours
Junior                    54 to 87 credit hours
Senior                   88 or more credit hours
Graduate             pursuing graduate courses/degree
Undergraduate students will be able to register on their assigned dates of the Classification Schedule, after their Classification Schedule (excluding weekends), and during Open Registration.
OPEN REGISTRATION: Current students (enrolled for Spring 2015 who did not advance register), new, and returning students will be able to register during Open Registration, April 16, 2015 at 8:00 am thru August 14, 2015 at 5:00 pm (including weekends).
Submitted by: Lisa Tessendorf, University Registrar’s Office
Posted on: April 2, 2015
Targeted to: Students, Faculty, Staff