Editorial: Farewell from the editors

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Farewell from the editor – Ryan Ogle

As I type my editorial swan song for a publication I have proudly been a part of in one form or another of since becoming an Ichabod in 2011 before stepping into the captain’s chair a year ago, I ind myself lost in a moment of sentimental reflection.

Over the course of the last two semesters, I become more immersed in campus life than I had ever imagined or intended. As a non-traditional student with a family, I never saw myself taking on any extra responsibilities during my time here. Fortunately, I wasn’t given a choice. After spending the majority of last summer earning a few extra bucks in the Student Media office, I was informed by our faculty adviser, Regina Cassell, that I had been promoted from part-time contributor to Executive Editor. I had no clue what I was doing and little room on my plate, but I knew that resistance would be futile. It didn’t matter if I wanted the job, Cassell planted my butt firmly in the chair and put me to work.

And I cannot thank her enough for forcing me to step outside of my comfort zone and realizing my full potential. I cannot thank her enough for putting me in room with a group of strangers who would quickly become some of the best friends and colleagues I’ve ever had. And I cannot thank her enough for believing in us.

The last few months at Washburn have been an action-packed roller-coaster ride. It seemed that every silver lining was countered with a dark cloud. For every one of my fellow ‘Bods that rose to new heights, it seemed another would reach new lows. I’ll blame the nature of my job for the fact that those less than spectacular moments are the ones that stuck with me.

As my time here comes to an end, I’ve come to the realization that none of the drama will matter. Ten years from now, nobody will care about frat boy texts or WSGA’s squabbles. If you do, then you’ve wasted your time.

For everything I’ve picked up here, the most important things I’ll take with me came from the support of an instructor like Regina Cassell, from the camaraderie and friendship of those listed in the masthead a few inches to the right of this sentence. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all. And thank you to everyone who showed their support (and even to those of you who didn’t). To all of you, good luck and good night. Thanks for tuning in…

Farewell from the editor: Chelsea

This is the last printed issue of the Washburn Review I will be art director, cartoonist, and graphic designer of. I leave my position in the hands of whoever wants to be the next art director for Student Media. The position definitely isn’t easy. Heck, when I took the position I had no idea what it meant.

I was initially hired as a cartoonist, for I had been developing a comic strip in my head for several years. “Apathetic Wannabe: Because I wish I didn’t care.” The Washburn Review gave me the opportunity to develop it in the real world, but that was not all. I hit the ground running as art director, working on newspaper design and layout, Bod Magazine design and layout, and, my biggest project for the last two semesters, the 150th yearbook.

During Student Media last semester, our group met together for the first time. I didn’t know anyone. I had honestly never put any effort into knowing who did what and how student media worked in the past two years doing various things for the organization.

We were super small in the beginning. The entire first semester working together we maybe had a team of 10 people total. On production nights, it was only about six or less of us trying to put together a paper.

I didn’t know the first thing about any of the stuff we were trying to produce. I ended up studying professional publications and even got to represent Washburn at a mass media conference in Philadelphia. It wasn’t until we met actual professionals when Ryan and I clicked at where we needed to go with our paper.

By that time, we worked very hard to produce a few good issues for the Kansas Collegiate Media Conference in Wichita where I swept a total of six awards. There was even a judge who found me to chat about my work since my name was called so often. That was an amazing feeling. There was also a student from another university who contacted me to view my art to figure out what he can do better for next year.

Unfortunately and fortunately at the same time, one of my entries he wanted to see was a comic I did over college pregnancy. I thought to myself, “I don’t know how he can possibly learn anything from looking at my work other than to just read and hopefully laugh.” He did laugh and we chatted for a few days about the process of making a comic and Calvin and Hobbes.

Being on the newspaper has been fun and has also been not so fun. Whoever is selected to take this fascinating and frustrating position will have some of their best and worst college experiences. I wouldn’t have traded it for anything. I thank the entire editorial board, fellow staff, and the many people who have chosen to pick up this publication and read my comic every week for the last three years. Currently, I do not wish myself an apathetic wannabe, because, at this moment, I am glad I do care.

Note from the editor: Adam

At the beginning of the school year, I was thrown into a job with which I had no experience – from a leadership standpoint – with people who were virtually strangers to me and was expected to work together to run one of the most prominent organizations at the university.

My first semester at The Review, in the spring of 2014, I simply came into the office on Monday’s got my assignment, and then emailed them on by Friday. Taking on a role as part of the executive staff forced ke to become much more involved than I had ever been. But I could not have been more fortunate with who I would take this journey with.

I had no idea when I started at the beginning of this school year, but it didn’t take long for me to realize I had been surrounded by an incredible amount of talent.

The two graduating executive members, Ryan and Chelsea, are top-tier when it comes to doing what they do.

Their abilities and their work ethic made this past year go more smoothly than I ever would have imagined, with all three of us being new.

But our relationship goes beyond professional.

The challenges we’ve faced together, both related to work and outside of it, have brought us closer together than I have ever been with a co-worker or classmate.

I find it very safe to say our friendship will not end with their graduation, or mine, or whatever we do and wherever we go here on out.

This year would have never been anything nearly as enjoyable as it has been without the people we have had, especially Ryan and Chelsea. Truthfully, they played a large role in my continuing with The Review at certain times.

I could not have asked for better co-workers and wish them the best in whatever comes next. We at Student Media will continue on next year the foundation we have built this year.

I am grateful to call Ryan and Chelsea some of my best friends.

Who are we? We are the workers of the night. We are WU.

The entirely untrue tale of Student Media

Fanfiction by Grace Foiles

By day they are simple, hardworking, news editors, but once the sun sets and production of the paper is complete these latex clad lads and lasses take to the streets as the unstoppable WU! A team of heroes with a passion for sleep (which they are often deprived of), journalistic integrity, and most of all justice, WU represents the best and brightest of the Washburn University Student Media Department.

After another grueling Tuesday night spent diligently completing the paper, the Bloodhound A.K.A Adam Vlach lays down upon the in-office sofa for a well deserved rest, but just as our super companion begins to implement his super napping abilities he’s woken with a shout by Power Positive A.K.A Chelsea Howe, the ever energized and highly motivated warrior. “Bloodhound!” shouts Power Positive “There is still yet work to be done, our supervisor (the mysterious Miss Castle) has just sent us an emergency notice marked urgent.” The notice reads as follows: WU Crew, several students have been found half conscious and lethargic lying around campus. Signs point towards a suspicious and malevolent force being responsible. Investigate immediately, signed Ms. C. “Interesting,” stated the Rascalnaut A.K.A. Derek Richardson, in a calculating tone, “I did notice attendance was down significantly in my orbital mechanics lecture this afternoon,” he continued. “That’s probably just the class Derek,“ teased Mr. Miss Mitten A.K.A. Stephanie Cannon from the corner where she sat preened her hair. “Can we focus on getting this s$#@ done so I can get home?“ growled Big Grumpy A.K.A. Ryan Ogle from his cubicle of solitude.

Off our brave heroes then embarked into the cold, mid-April darkness, not yet aware what peril would be waiting for them. As the Crew walked along the moderately lit sidewalk they came across a figure slumped over on a bench several feet off the path. The heroes ran to assist the effected youth who lay there muttering half sentences about lash cards and test taking tips. “The perpetrators must still be nearby,“ announced Power P. and at that moment out crept from the shadows a ominous and writhing mass of darkness. The Bloodhound closest to the mass was first to feel the effect of the figures. With his powers fueled by lack of sleep he was quick to fall to the power of this whispering villain. Once the shadow had passed him by the Bloodhound was left snoring, and incapacitated on the ground. “Don’t let them near you!“ shouted Mr. Miss as she darted away from the figures in an agile and feline fashion. “It’s impossible to fight what we can’t see!“ yelled Big G. as he picked up the stone bench and threw it at the villain. Unfortunately the prior seating option turned weapon passed right through the shadows with no ill effect. “Quick, Rascalnaut, can you increase the intensity of that street lamp?“ asked Power Positive. “Perhaps with the use of your whip I could amp up the voltage.“ Rascalnaut responded.

Then moving with the speed and synchronicity needed to successfully publish a school paper, the team worked together to move the electrical cord up to the street lamp Mr. Miss Mittens climbing up Big Grump’s back and catching the cord as Power Positive threw it. Mr. Miss then delivered the power strip to Rascalnaut who was hard at work rewiring the street lamp.

The cord connected and the streetlamp blasted the area with an overabundance of light. Once the shining brilliance struck the shadowy forms they dissipated into nothingness and Bloodhound and the fallen student woke with a start. The villain had been defeated at least for the moment, but something in the twilight warned that this was only the start of a much greater battle. Will our heroes triumph? Will Adam ever get a good night’s sleep? Will we ever acknowledge or address this story again? Your guess is honestly as good as mine.