Incoming Icabods interact at the Recreation and Wellness Center

Rock the Rec gave students a chance to win prizes in volleyball and test skills in basketball.

The Recreation and Wellness Center hosted two events on August 13 to welcome the incoming freshmen. These events were made to help incoming Ichabods get to know each other and have a little fun together.

The Playfair started at 6:00 and included games that encouraged interaction between the students. Including getting into groups that shared interests or birthdays and having them introduce themselves. Dancing, a huge game of rock, paper, scissors and trust exercises were just a few highlights of the night.

Rock the Rec started at 7:30 and gave students the opportunity to get active and participate in some sports. This included taking turns at basketball, testing your aim with a football and playing volleyball with the masses. There was information handed out and a chance to win a prize.