BOD MAG ONLY – Major Conflict



Now before the idea gets into anyone’s mind, I am a very proud and active Ichabod. I am proud to be a declared social work major. I love this school, and program. With that being decreed:

When I was a little, I wanted to help others achieve their desired aesthetic. To reshape their look, boost confidence, and build their ego. I desired to be a cosmetologist. I had researched schools, found statistics, and prepared myself for the hardest obstacle that I had yet to face on my rewarding journey into cosmetology. My mother. Now my mother is a very understanding woman, most of the time, however she had high hopes for my sister and I.  So when I proposed the idea of cosmetology school, I was slightly terrified of her answer. “No. You need to go to a real college, get a real degree, and make actual money.” That was the answer I had dreaded. However, it didn’t just stop there. “You should really look into Washburn and their social work program.”

Why though? Why did I listen to my mother and come to this great school? This answer is simple. Approval. My mother had always been my knight in shining armor. Always wanting the best for us, sacrificing what little she had so we could all that we did have. She had only gone to one semester of college before her sacrificing started. In her perfect world I was to go to college, graduate, and live a happy and successful life.  In my mind it made sense, she’s giving me everything why not sacrifice what I want for once.  I said yes to my mother, and for the rest we shall see.

However, you could be on the complete side opposite side of the spectrum. Freshman Blayne Folk opposed his parent’s wishes. The Folk’s wished their son to go into veterinary medicine.  They thought that this would be the best opportunity for their child. A great future, a stable life. In their eyes it was his best opportunity for a happy successful life.

Blayne did not see it this way. He chose to go into musical education. He had multiple different reasons. One reason being that he loves music. Blayne is current enrolled in several different music activities ranging from wind ensembles all the way to preforming half-time with the Marching Blues. His primary instrument is the Alto Saxophone.  Another reason being that he believes he doesn’t have the time that it takes to be fully committed to the veterinary program. Blayne’s passion about music encourages him to continue his studies in music and practices on a daily basis.

Regardless if you conformed or rebelled against you guardians wishes for your major, they want what’s best for you. The pride and joy may not seem accepted at the time of entering the university, but by the time of graduation they are ecstatic and proud of all you’ve accomplished. 

You are an Ichabod.