One in a millennial odds

Alex M. Hounchell

It feels like everyone in their mid-20s has dabbled in one creative form of expression or another.

People have created YouTube channels and uploaded content. They have instagram accounts to show off their photography skills. They have a blog to show their ability to write.

I believe this drive comes from the times we live in. As a traditional college student, I’m constantly bombarded with negativity.

Today on the news, there was a shooting. Tomorrow, it’ll likely be the same. I’ve come to expect the negativity. Just like I’ve come to expect that I may never have enough resources to do all the things I’ve dreamed of.

At the same time, it feels as though my voice is never heard. I’m not sure if my voice is unheard psychologically or if it is because people much older than me are in positions of power.

On top of that, in this day and age, information can be shared on a dime. I get notifications on the moment my favorite YouTuber uploads a video or my favorite actor sends a tweet. In this age, anything can change in a moment. An idea can trend instantly and anyone’s idea can trend.

We desire to be creators because it feels like we are all lost. Maybe in different ways, but still. Considering most people never make it into the entertainment industry, why would they try? Why would someone continue to upload videos to YouTube if only a maximum of 8 people ever see them? The answer is, creating isn’t just about the audience.

People in their 20s desire to have their voice out there. The internet itself gives instant access to people who share our ideas.

As a generation, we continue to be paid a minimum wage that doesn’t make sense anymore. We go to college in the hopes that we can make enough money for survival. The sad fact is, we may never do that, because the world doesn’t make sense numerically.

It makes sense then that we would seek to be creators. Creators are paid by the quality of their work through ad revenue, Patreon and products.

This is one of the workarounds for traditional college students in this time. The more people pay attention to a creator, the more they pay to give their attention.

Maybe this is the secret to why everyone I know has tried YouTube and a blog.