Washburn recognizes student employees

April 11, 2023
When going to college, some students focus on preparing themselves for the professional world after college, and Washburn University offers that opportunity right here on campus.
Being a student employee helps students gain work experience and practical skills all while earning money to go toward expenses.
“When you work on campus, you are just more likely to make connections with other faculty, staff and other students,” said Lindsay Monroe, student employment coordinator.
Monroe oversees all the aspects of student employment and posting certain positions for students to see.
“I also help students find jobs and identify federal work-study eligibility,” Monroe said.
The Federal Work-Study Program is a type of financial aid that college students in lower income categories may qualify for. Essentially, the federal government pays students to work for Washburn.
“A lot of time, people will see it on their financial aid package, like $3,000 federal work-study, and it’s confusing because they wonder ‘Are they going to get that money?’ But, it acts like a placeholder as to how much money you can earn in a federal work-study position,” Monroe said.
Students who qualify for federal work-study usually get an award at the beginning of the year telling them they have the opportunity to apply for jobs. If you do not get awarded, you have the option of filling out a form and financial aid checks to see if you as a student are eligible. Taking the time to see if you qualify may be a beneficial action for young adults.
Students who do not qualify for work-study must seek out departmental-funded jobs. The money for these jobs comes from the employing Washburn department’s budget. There are many opportunities available for students.
Student employees build communication skills, strengthen organizational skills and even experience the feeling of having a serious job.
“It helped with my people skills and the ability to ask the proper questions to be able to guide people to where they needed to be,” Mikyna Voss said, a past student employee.
The student’s hard work and determination does get appreciated on campus by staff members. Each year Washburn has a Student Appreciation Week, filled with activities, free treats, prizes and more for the employees.
“We are set up over by the Union to give away freebies and we do raffles,” Monroe said.
This specific week, departments are encouraged to show their appreciation for the students and let them know their hard work is appreciated. Having those young minds added to the department work environment can be seen as helpful for faculty.
“Our staff can’t cover everything, so it’s nice to have that student help and have that student’s perspective,” Monroe said.
Student Employee Appreciation Week began Monday, April 10 and will continue to Friday, April 14