Student unity from the Washburn Student Democrats

Zachery Schuman

One undeniable part of the college experience, along with academics is student organizations. A student organization enriches any college student by helping create a strong sense of belonging with the student body, and make any student’s stay with any university a positive, memorable one. That is exactly what the Washburn College Democrats aim to do.

The Washburn College Democrats teamed with the Washburn College Republicans as well as a few other groups to put into action with the Mayoral City Council Forum which took place on Nov 3. This dedication from all parties prioritized solidarity and community above party lines. The Washburn College Democrats are currently gearing up for an election in February, to decide the future of the organization. This student organization works tirelessly to represent the values of Washburn University as well as working vigorously to help students feel welcome on campus. They have demonstrated a priority in wanting to keep students connected to one another, whether it be through democratic values or the opportunity to learn about city council. The Washburn College Democrats election shall finish sometime within the next few weeks. That being said, the organization is one of integrity, unity, value, and worthy student support.