The Washburn Student Government Association (WSGA) met for their weekly meeting this past Sept. 9th, In the Kansas Room on the upper floor of the Memorial Union.
Diversity and Inclusion Director Dorantes, reported that there would be a new podcast episode coming out Sept. 10, which would be discussing students coming back to school, and would even have an interview with President Farley.
Chief of Staff Caffrey, reported about the new student student election, and how there are nine first-year students in the ballot, which is the highest amount in several years
President Trautman, in her report, discussed the Can Emporia contest, which is a contest between Washburn University and Emporia State, to see who can raise the most canned goods, and or money. She went on to discuss how the cans and money collected will go toward helping the Topeka and Washburn communities, such as Bods Feeding Bods” and the Harvesters organization. She then gave the Senators a fun incentive to help motivate them to get as much can collected, in order to take down Emporia State in this contest. Washburn has not won Can Emporia since 2017, and in all the years of Washburn participating, the Icobads have only won three times.
Communications and Marketing Director Carter, reported that since he had taken over this position, the social media engagement has been up by 80%, he then went on to talk about the Sucide Prevention Resolution being passed, and that there will be a graphic made for that on the 10th of September.
The Washburn University Young Democrats requested $100 for their house to home event. The Washburn University Young Democrats were fully complied with all applicable funding policies to this point in the allocation process. The request was passed.
The Leadership Institute requested $850 in funding for their Leadership Institute Family Day Brunch. Leadership Institute has fully complied with all applicable funding policies to this point in the allocation process.
Budget Director Rorstrom and Legislative Director Young requested for The Washburn Government Association to strike Section 4.2.2 of the Funding of Organizations Policy which states, “The Student Organization must have completed community service. To count towards this requirement, the organization requesting money must have completed community service activities as a whole organization independent from academic requirements. Failure to complete said community service shall result in a 20% reduction of total allocated monies.”
The meeting came to a close after a “roll call” where everyone said where their dream location to live was. Somewhere tropical, and some decided to stay in Kansas.