Katie Larkin
Jasmine hangs out in her cat house.
While there are many benefits to owning a pet, COVID-19 has become a silver lining for animals who are wanting to find forever homes because people are also fighting loneliness. My research shows that more animals have been adopted since March, and I think it’s because pets can bring joy to isolated people in need of companionship.
As a pet owner myself, there’s nothing I love more than coming home to my cat, who in return is happy to see me, too. There’s no shortage of bad news these days. A quick scan of the headlines shows raging wildfires, more COVD-19 deaths, rioting and fighting over who should lead our nation. Sometimes I just need a break from all of this.
Again, research confirms that when you are petting your dog or cat, your stress level decreases. It’s that easy. Pets offer unconditional love in a harsh world, and it’s fulfilling knowing that an excited animal is waiting for you to come home. When you give your pets love, you get that love in return. Plus, the responsibility of owning a pet can give you something positive to focus on.
When you adopt an animal, you immediately become a hero and a rescuer. Taking an animal from a cage into a warm, safe home is beneficial for you both. My cat, Jasmine, is always ready for a cuddle at the end of a long day. There are plenty of more animals waiting to be adopted by loving and caring homes, so be sure to spread awareness of the benefits of pet ownership.