Dear Smalls,

I can’t figure out what to do for a summer job. I want to keep growing with my academic career so that I don’t lose touch with my goals over the summer, help?


Dear SummerPLS,

That is an incredibly smart mindset to have. I’ve heard so many tales of peers dropping out because summer ate their motivation. Luckily for any Washburn Review reader who has the same determination, I will share with you my personal secret weapon to ensure I don’t fall through the cracks. Her name is Danielle Dempsey-Swopes, the director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at Washburn.

Stop by, introduce yourself and let her know what your worried about. She will guide you in the right direction, I trust it. Her office is in Morgan Hall, Suite 105. Call 785-670-1906 to set up an appointment.

Don’t worry. If you’re worried that there is a possibility of losing your path goals, then I can tell that there is enough passion and drive in your heart to keep you from falling off track.



Dear Smalls,

I dare you to name the top three faculty at Washburn that you could cry to about your personal life.


Dear Doubledog,

Gotta love dares.

Without a doubt, Sharon Sullivan, Regina Cassell and Drew Burkes.

Fun fact, I have nearly, if not completely, cried to all three of these faculty members at least one point in my academic career at Washburn.

Love them.


Dear Smalls,

One of my buddies has a roommate who constantly comes back to the dorms high or drunk out of his mind. I don’t really know if it’s a thing, but the RA’s need to step up their watch game because I don’t want to be the snitch. Just worried about this kid’s well-being.



I recommend that you make the report. You can stop by the Washburn Police department and tell the secretary that you’d like to make an anonymous report. You can request to do it in private. The Washburn Police department is full of humble officers and they will make your experience quick and easy.

Keep in mind that you have knowledge that can change someone’s life. Your decision can have the potential to weigh their fate. Trust your gut.

Good luck,
