Work on Science Hall halts as union strikes

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on Tuesday, April 21, 1959.

Construction came to a halt on the new science building when a local union struck last Wednesday.

The strike resulted from a dispute between contractors and the Topeka Teamsters Union local. It was called in protest of the lack of a “show-up” provision in the construction contract. Picketing also began last Wednesday.

A ‘show-up’ provision would guarantee union worker a minimum of two hours pay if the worker reports for work and work is stopped by contractor cancellation or bad weather. Also guaranteed would be four hours pay if the worker works at least 1 1/2 hours and hen work is stopped by the contractor cancellation or bad weather.

The picket line at the science building construction site was being honored by other building trade unions. this means other trade union members would not cross the line to work.

Some union sources have said a sympathy lockout would be called. A sympathy lockout would not affect the science building job, but it would mean other contractors, not affected by the strike, would shut down other jobs until the picket lines at the science building site are removed.

“Only six men are involved in the strike and only one man is actually striking,” a reliable union source said last Thursday.

Ed Reed, Teamsters Union assistant business agent, last Thursday said, “We’re not strking any place except the Washburn Science building – yet.”

InĀ  the meantime, no mutual agreement has been reached by the Union and contractor officials, and work still remains halted on the $1,100,000 science hall.