Debate: Intelligent design in public schools – Part 2

Mike Head

Who questions the intelligence of intelligent design? Except for a percentage of people who believe unflinchingly in Creationism, everyone probably questions the idea of a Supreme Being, or an Intelligent Designer who is capable of controlling and shaping the earliest days of our universe.

?This is completely natural. Who hasn’t looked upon the stars, and then marveled at their beauty? Who hasn’t felt almost infinitely small when trying to grasp their size and scale?

?Incessantly I questioned all of human history growing up. I could not fathom the causes behind our existence. This was even more frustrating when I found that few others shared my disbelief, until a college Western Civilization Class when I read The Epic of Gilgamesh. At that point I realized the questions to which I was seeking answers were the same questions Gilgamesh was asking at the beginning of recorded literature. While it did not give me answers, it relieved my anxiety. I realized that sometimes there are no answers.

?I think that is what the new science standards are all about. No one can be positive of anything. It is a fallacy of western civilization to think we can find the definitive answers for much of anything.

?The cause of gravity is still under debate. No one questions if it exists, but no one understands how or why. Medicine can be just as mercurial. Lab coats and a stethoscope do not signify more than extensive education. Humans simply cannot grasp the infinite. That’s why medicine is “practiced.” The same difficulty applies to Darwin’s theory of Evolution.

?While many may perceive evolution as a “truth,” it is also in fact, a theory. If a theory is taught, why not include the faults as well? There is a substantial gap in the fossil record. To gloss over this fact is to diminish the wonder of our species.

?This same level of respect for the infinite is exactly what we should foster in our science programs. It will actually encourage exploration. Why would anyone seek knowledge if someone already knew the answer? Would Jacque Cousteau have explored the ocean if someone had already done so? Would Sir Edmund Hillary have gone to the North Pole if someone had already done so?

?Science can be just as unbalanced as our Creationist friends. Both sides claim to have “the Answer.” Let’s hear both sides in our schools, so each individual is given the opportunity to make up their own minds. It will foster independence and curiosity. Necessary traits for any young scientist

?Let’s leave the mystery and the uncertainty in science. We may learn more from what we do not know, than from what we think we know.