September 2, 2009
Hello and hope you all are doing great so far this semester!
This is such an exciting time of year. First, congrats to our football guys and volleyball girls for starting off their seasons with big wins in Colorado. Everybody needs to get out and show your support THIS Friday at 6:00pm for our first home football game! The weather is starting to get a little chilly already, just in time for the start of the season.
So, grab your hoodies and face paint and join our ranks at the games as we kick off another awesome Ichabod football season!!! Soccer and volleyball are also underway, so be looking out for their first home games as well.
Oh, and that reminds me… Have you heard of our brand new text messaging system that will actually notify you about eventshappening on campus right to your mobile phone?? bodAlert is up and running! Make sure you sign up, so you don’t miss out! Just go to and type in your number and cell provider. It’s fast and easy and you can actually pick what kind of alerts you would like to receive!
Also, this is a good time to sign up for Bod Squad if you have not yet done so. Taylor McGown is our amazing new Bod Squad president, so just shoot her an e-mail at [email protected] so you can take advantage of the free tailgating and t-shirts all year long! Wow, I am just so incredibly excited for this year! There are many things happening at the big WU, so keep tuned in so you aren’t the one missing out!
Please, come to us at the Washburn Student Government Association with any questions orconcerns. We would love to meet you and help you out! Also, please- get involved. There are so many different organizations here atWashburn- it’s incredible. Let us know if you have any questions about getting involved. We would love to help you make that connection.
As always, GO BODS!!
Students happily serving students,
Caley OnekWSGA Vice President