The Whistle that changed America

The multicultural and student life office co-sponsored the presentation “The Whistle that Changed America.” Byron Embry, professional baseball player and motivational speaker, came to Washburn this past Monday, February 24th. I spoke to Dona Walker, Director of Multicultural Affairs to see why Embry had been chosen to come to Washburn.
Embry took the audience on a journey of modern day issues. Specifically, he told the story of Emmett Till, the 14 year old Chicago boy who was brutally murdered in Mississippi for whistling at a white woman in 1955.
Ms. Walker explained further why Embry was a good choice.
Emmitt Till is not here to share his story, however Embry has made it one of his longterm goals to educate others on the graphic incident in history.
I spoke to Don Jacobs to see how he felt about the presentation
For more information, visit Embry’s website,