Warped Tour is easily one of the highlights of an average summer for me.
And this is probably the most excited I’ve ever been for it.
The tour is notoriously known for its mixing and matching of music genres and opportunity of helping bands make an even larger name for themselves.
This year, it will hit even closer to home, knowing I will be seeing Lawrence’s own Elctrikchair at the Bonner Springs, Kan. stop where I will attend Warped Tour.
With the confirmation of We Came as Romans and Dance Gavin Dance, I had already said to myself “I’m going,” because I’ve loved those bands since 2007 and 2006 respectively. And with reports of A Day to Remember, Miss May I, and Asking Alexandria all embarking on the tour, the momentum is starting to pick up.
Needless to say, Warped Tour is not by any means going to please everyone’s taste in music, but it is not intended to. There will be bands there that some people will scoff at and ask themselves “what the hell are they playing?”
But that’s the beauty of it. On a hot, sweaty, and long day of rocking out and listening to music with thousands of people, it becomes less about how much you like the music for its replay value, and more about enjoying it for what it is. So many awesome people go every year and meeting others who like the same bands as you is exciting, if you ask me.
Pop, punk, ska, metal, post-hardcore, and other genres you can categorize all run rampant throughout the day. It’s like a buffet of musical goodness.
Take it for what you want, but Warped Tour is one of the best things I was ever introduced to. And did I mention all the free apparel, drinks, autographs and more you may end up with?
However, physical altercations do take place between fans, bands do not always get along, and your favorite artists may not always play at your venue. These are just a few of the downfalls, but take it with a grain of salt.
And please stay hydrated if you go. Tragedy struck last year when a male passed away at the Bonner Springs date. Temperatures soared to near 110 degrees with a 115 degree heat index, so dehydration was suspected.
However, when you look at the calendar this year, remember one date for sure: July 6. You know where I’ll be.
Will YOU be there, too?
Tickets go on sale in only a few months.