There has been a large push for particular students to take the National Survey of Student Engagement at Washburn.
However, as of April 21, the push hasn’t convinced over half of the eligible population, with 56 percent of the eligible students unaccounted for.
According to Sandra Selden, research analyst for institutional research, completing the NSSE provides crucial data to the university.
“Completing the NSSE provides Washburn with valuable information that will help guide changes in policies, curriculum, and resources,” said Selden via e-mail.
She also went on to say that as a result of Washburn’s past student responses to NSSE, for example, all general-purpose classrooms are now mediated and Wi-Fi was expanded across campus.
The 2011 NSSE survey is available to 2,451 freshman and senior students through early June.
“To access the survey, the student should click on the link provided in one of the many email reminders that were sent to them in February and March of this year,” said Selden via e-mail. “If they cannot locate an email with the link, they can go directly to https://www.nssesurvey.org. However, this will require them to request a login ID using their @washburn.edu e-mail address.”