Response rates rising on campus climate survey

  • Calling all Bods: As of Wednesday, 22% of students and 35% of faculty and staff have taken the campus climate survey, according to Joy Bailes, assistant director of public relations.


Wesley Tabor

Campus climate survey response rates are rising.

As of Wednesday, 22% of students and 35% of faculty and staff have taken the survey, according to Joy Bailes, assistant director of public relations.

The survey, released Feb. 3 to students, faculty and staff, asks students about their campus experience and whether they feel welcome at Washburn.

JuliAnn Mazachek, vice president of academic affairs, hopes everyone will participate – to ensure their voice is included.

“We know that seeking input from our students, faculty and staff on these important issues will provide valuable information as we develop a plan for our future,” said Mazachek.

According to executive staff, this is Washburn’s first climate survey since 2013.

“The survey is completely anonymous, and the results will not be tied to any one individual,” said Mazachek.

Students who participate in the survey are entered into a randomized drawing for numerous prizes including:

  • An XBOX One
  • Three total Apple iPad Mini’s
  • Ten total $100 Bodbucks gift cards 
  • Ten total $50 Bodbucks gift cards

The survey closes Feb. 24.

If you have misplaced the email or have questions regarding the campus climate survey, you can reach out to those listed below.

Associate Vice President of Student Life Joel Bluml at (785) 670-2100 or [email protected] and/or Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs Jennifer Ball at (785) 670-1840 or [email protected]

Edited by Adam White